After listening to the business growth hypnosis session, she booked a wedding party of 12 for hair, makeup, and massages.. a corporate spa package for 15 employees, and her phone is ringing again off the hook for clients booking appointments.. I asked her if she was implementing my marketing strategies to bring in new business. She said "nope, the only things I did were the daily mindset practice you taught me as well as listening to your business growth hypnosis session twice a day!!!!!"
She saw a huge dip in her business as a result of going through some difficult times emotionally.. I first started working with her to help her heal emotionally using the power of hypnosis. You can't create money when you are not feeling 100% emotionally. When you are feeling great about your life and good about yourself, it opens the space for inspired ideas to create money!!
If you haven't picked up the Rashida's Business Growth Hypnosis Session, you need to. I was inspired by Rashida's client that was seeing an increase in her business just listening to the hypnosis session despite her having an action plan they worked on.
That totally amazed me so I purchased it and started listening to it March 17. Since that first night, I have had an old friend reach out to me who is interested in my personal styling and shopping services, I was referred to a potential client for some packing for home staging services, a client asked me to organize some drawers in her bedroom while she's away and take care of a couple of other things for her and I was asked to assist my friend on 3 home staging projects in the next 3 weeks with a potential 4th one. All of this in one week!
I am so excited to see what other opportunities will manifest as I continue to listen to the session. I will definitely continue to listen to it after the required 21 days as it can only benefit me further. Nothing could be easier...just put in your ear buds and relax yourself! It's well worth the investment!
Its amazing! After listening to the business growth hypnosis session only after one time, I manifested my first VIP day with a new client for $1,000!!!!
After our very first session, I did everything that Rashida told me to do. So, the next day after our session just before my consult call with a new potential client, I was literally saying to myself "she is my soulmate client and she needs me. I did her mini reading and then coaching her on her purpose and she literally said "I would love to be coached by you" I quoted her my new rates and she said yes straight away. My mind is totally blown! So, if you are thinking of working with Rashida, do it!
Overnight and I mean overnight, I shifted my money mindset and was able to triple my investment by working with her. She is able to see what you need and shift you in ways you cannot fathom until you start seeing results. Quickly!!! If you think you can do it all on your own, stop that. Now.
Everyone needs a coach, including us coaches. If you want to serve your soulmate client in a big way, making a real difference in their lives, don't play small. Take the big leap with a powerful coach like Rashida.
I did this program recently with her recently and wow! It's pretty hilarious, but all of the sudden, more money than ever before is flowing into my life with little-to-no effort, getting paid to do what I love! (Write music) It's now more clear than ever that getting in touch with the subconscious mind is soooo important for making deep, lasting transformations. Highly recommended!
The changes that I see in myself after four weeks are incredible! My revenue has gone up to $4500 a month and I know it will cross the $5,000 mark this month. Its only been about a month since the program ended. Opportunities show up everyday! I get to face so many of my own limiting beliefs and I am confident that if I continue to use the inner work that Rashida taught me that I will make $7,000 for the month of July. Thank you!!!!!!!!!
This is a picture of my client buying her dream car after our work together. She also was single for many years and has met her dream man and they are planning to get married.
"You better be ready for fruitful life changes after working with Rashida Gaye. Her Reclaim Your Confidence program is the #Truth. I work a full-time job but after following her techniques started to see results immediately in the form of personal client contracts within a matter of days. I come not only to speak on business.
Please note that once you begin to address your limiting beliefs through her techniques for business, the positive results will spill into other areas of your life. I will be traveling to S. Africa and Cuba this year. Both of which were just dreams of mine. Yesssss!!! All my dreams are coming true and in the order that I wrote out in our vision planning session!!! lol
It's amazing what all we can accomplish when we get "out of our own way" and release beliefs that are not serving us!!! Thank you coach, I will eternally be grateful for your program!!!!!!! Since taking Rashida’s program, I have truly become a “MindShift Disciple" and so I’m here to spread the good news!
so I finally decided to start working with Rashida Gaye CHt with the Reclaim Your Conficence program. I'm in week 3 and working with Rashida has changed my life forever. You guys I sleep better, think better, feel better, live better, and best of all - LOVE Better.
Before starting this program I already had achieved some success in my life - I had a growing business, a beautiful home, a loving husband and two kids and I was creating the life of my dreams - but I FELT MISERABLE. And guess what? I NEVER felt good about myself or my life. Not before achieving success and Not after. I just kept hunting success after success thinking the next thing would make me feel better and it never did. What good is success if you can't feel it? If you can't feel the good of your life today - how will you be able to feel the good in your life tomorrow? I couldn't feel anything.
And I was soooo tired of working so hard for the success I could never truely feel. I didn't know what this program was all about - but I've completed 2 weeks and I feel I already got my money's worth. Guys I can FEEL again. Do you know how many people are feeling dead & lost inside, like how I was? And maybe even you too? You can't put a price on that.
I felt this way for YEARSssss - and in 1 1/2 hours all that changed. One session. And it all came back. Don't get me wrong I still have work to do. But it's like when you have been living in Black and White and then your life finally turned to COLOR. That's me right now. And it can be you. Spend the money on yourself. Don't even think Twice!
Sarah and I worked together in my Reclaim Your Confidence Program. After the conclusion of the program, she felt confident in her ability to start a business. She now owns a consulting business and has signed her dream client, a small pharmaceutical company whose mission she is aligned with. She will be consulting on their compliance program implementations and designing their future strategy. She will be working internationally with their projects in Dubai, Ukraine and Panama. WITH THIS ONE CONTRACT, SHE WILL BE EARNING IN EXCESS OF $125,000!!!! "I walked in with a big I am more than enough smile and a huge heart of I am happy with any outcome. If this is not mine, it means that there is something greater for me. This definitely comes from the inner work that Rashida and I did as well as her motivational words. Now that I am Sarah without the baggage that others gave me, the only person who can stop me is me and I'm not standing in my own way anymore
I have had several one-on-one sessions with Rashida Gaye over the past few months and immediately began to feel the positive effects of healing.
The mental barriers caused by my wounded childhood and recent heartfelt losses had me stuck, and all I knew how to do was survive. You can be a tremendous fighter, but if you have not healed from childhood wounds your inner voices may be robbing you of the power to create the life that you want.
Since working with Rashida, I am experiencing self-love in a way I never have before. I have learned to have greater compassion for myself and discovered a greater belief in the gifts within. I have seen positive results of my inner growth manifested in bolder confidence as I pursue my goals in various areas of my life.
I am excited to see and experience even more growth and healing in the sessions to come. Let Rashida's gift of compassionate guidance and healing knowledge help you find the answers that are deep within your heart. You will do intense, internal work will surprise yourself. You will love yourself for it.
Rashida Gaye is one of the best things I've added to my life and journey in mental health. Her Online hypnotherapy and Reclaim Your Power program is phenomenal. I used to think meditation was weird, and hypnotherapy was SUPER weird, but later discovered that it's actually just getting cozy, relaxing all muscles, getting ALMOST sleepy but awake enough to hear someone walking you through past hurts, and then being encouraged to speak lovingly and powerfully to your younger self to begin a healing process where an imprinted negative limiting belief was formed. NO ONE WAVES A TIME PIECE in front of you saying "you're getting verrrrrrrry Sleeeeeeepy" lol!
I learned a lot about some of the things hurting at my core and I plan to continue. Truth is parallel and no matter your faith, or spiritual place... We all need healing and we could all use a little time to walk through our broken heart. As an entertainer, songwriter, and public speaker... This will make my life all the more transparent, effective, and ultimately powerful! Thanks Rashida.
I have literally transformed and grown into a different woman during the time I worked with Rashida. The work we did was so potent, it really got to the core of my issues quickly, and uprooted them head on. All the while this major shift was taking place, Rashida was a constant encouragement and gentle guide in helping me navigate the changes that were occurring within me. I’ve gained my voice through this work, a confidence that is rooted in self-love, appreciation, and honor.
Most of all I’ve developed trust within myself, where I understand that there is nothing inherently wrong with me and I’m more than equipped to do this thing called life. I do not have to look to anything outside of myself for the answers, they are all within, because I’m never alone and always supported, all I have to do is take a moment and connect. Due to my increased love for myself, I treat myself better, I talk to myself with love and I create a space to do so for others that I come into contact with.
I understand that everything is connected and that my outer world is a direct reflection of my inner world. I am capable of changing and commanding my life. Through the tools Rashida taught me I’m prepared to deal with setbacks as well as other issues that have been dormant and will decide to resurface in the future. I’m no longer afraid to leap, to live, to make decisions, to make mistakes, to not know everything, to feel. I’m free!
I couldn’t have imagined I would be the woman I am today, and I’m excited to see whom I continue to grow and evolve into. My time with Rashida has been one of the best investments that I could have done for myself. Not only did I gain a sense of myself, but also I feel like I also gained a great friend and constant support out of Rashida. Thank you so much for investing in me and being so consistent in your truth, love, and support. I love you past the moon and the stars! Thank you.
I just finished the "Reclaim Your Power" Program with Rashida and I'm still processing everything that has happened for me over the last several weeks. I am an actress with a bit of success, but I still had very deep rooted, limiting beliefs about myself and my place in the world. Through these sessions, I've connected to my higher self and have gained more confidence and wisdom than I ever though possible. I truly believe that I can achieve and have anything I want now! I've not felt this free in a very, VERY long time. Thank you so much, Rashida, for the work that you do. You are appreciated.
Note: Since our work together, Kwajalyn has landed roles on TV a TV One TV Movie, a History Channel TV Show, as well as a role on NCIS New Orleans Show and House of Cards. She has also been signed for her first leading role in a major motion picture. It is the new movie coming out soon named Honey 4.
The tools you taught me have forever shifted the way I see myself, the world and my story. I’m now really the Author. I can change any or all of it just by applying those lessons. When we met I was still working on my book and struggling around my abilities to self-publish, market and sell it.
Well before the five weeks were up I had completed the book and was just waiting on Amazon to process it. My vision is bigger than it ever has been and I now have tools and mindset to carry it out. I have also met an amazing man that caught me completely off guard. His kind and gentle nature are a direct reflection of the healing work we did together.
I feel so good about the future and believing that the desires of my heart are ALWAYS available to me as long as I am willing to challenge my limiting beliefs. I just want to say you are brilliant and insightful and you ask the VERY BEST questions EVER! Thank you Sis! I love you!--
I want to thank Rashida for keeping me on my toes when it comes to creating my new belief system.
Today, I obtained another new client. Not only is this a new client, but this has turned into a W9 opportunity where it will bring me evergreen money. My new client is a mortgage bank and I am generating leads for them using LinkedIn and I am also recruiting real estate agents for them.
I am getting paid for both monthly lead generation and also getting paid per real estate agents that they end up sponsoring. This is something that I've been asking the universe for an I am super excited about it.
After my call with you, Rashida, I closed $4K in sales yesterday at my day job. It's like the customers were searching for me eager to give me their money.
I went through the entire module one, printed everything out, and now I am working on my frame work.
I've never had this much clarity about what I am about to do in my life ever. On top of that , I did the tapping exercises 3 times yesterday evening and will be ready for our FB lives by next week. I cant wait to see what my future holds as I declare my victory!
I am enrolled in Rashida's "Build Your Digital Empire" Program. I am happy to share good news that i just had the most amazing 2 weeks i had in a long time since the last time we spoke!!
Last week, less than a week after my payment to you, my boss told me i just got a raise PLUS a bonus for this one project i have been working on! yaaaayyy. I asked for a raise at the end of last year just to be told that I won't be receiving it this year; and now, 7 months later it is here!
My boss just told me again that i will be going to Uganda (where the company's headquarters are) to help them on a new project for 2 weeks (starting next week), Mind you, I asked for this opportunity last year in September, in order to learn more, learn from more people, broaden my horizons but within the company! .I had forgotten about it! Now, boom!
It's like the things I want are chasing me down effortlessly! I am so thrilled!! I am grateful for your help!!
I always knew blessings were given & available, and that I just had to reach out and receive them! Reaching out to receive them was the subconscious shifts you helped me do!!
This thing really works! I have been loving the hypnosis videos (business growth and the money mindset you did separately from the program) on repeat throughout the night and they still play while i get ready for work in the morning, and practicing gratitude daily!!
The results that I am getting are incredible! Working with you was definitely a great decision!!
I am so thankful that I made the DECISION to work with you Rashida Gaye. It was a BIG decision to invest in myself & business but I also knew I was worth it.
I feel revitalized as my business is now blooming. In just a few weeks, I've received over $4k in my business. I'm calling in my Soul Mate clients and loving it!!!! I get a chance to really connect and share from my heart. I'm feeling so Alive & Turned On in Life and in my Biz.
And, the ish is getting better by the day!
If anyone is on the fence about working with Rashida, get off TODAY and go for it! You'll be amazed.
It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I share my experience working with Rashida Gaye as a business coach. I met Rashida on Linked in and watched many of her free YouTube videos before decide to talk with her. After talking to Rashida, I absolutely knew I HAD to work with her.
Rashida taught me that my success starts on the inside; I had so many blocks and issues I needed to move past before I could begin to achieve the level of success I wanted. Not only did Rashida assist me successfully assist me in resolving my inner blocks and issues, she generously mentored on business practices, and sales & marketing which I now use and implement in my life and business practices daily.
I truly enjoyed my time with Rashida, she enjoys what she does and it shows, she is kind, patient and educates you how to be the best version of yourself for you and your clients. While working with Rashida, I signed 2 back to back ideal clients at the new higher rate that I was initially afraid to implement.
My experience at each phase of working with Rashida was absolutely amazing. Rashida’s professionalism, true caring nature, and experience shows in all she does.
Thank you Rashida,
Working with Rashida in her "Build Your Digital Empire" Program has had an impact from the very first day. I am becoming more and confident in my skills and have been doubling and tripling the amount of sales I do every day. If earlier I was full doubts and would get one maximum, now I step up boldly and full of confidence into the field....and sales fall in...with less work ....just through referrals! Now the next step is to make my team grow at the same pace. And at the same I've manifested a beautiful new house and moved in in less than 3 days - have done giant leaps in my romantic relationship. Every day I'm feeling lighter and more focused - willing to become more aware of my own blocks and patterns and work on them to fly happy! I'm looking forward to growing more with Rashida.
It has always been a dream of mine to do a TED talk and I have just got off the phone with TEDxLugano!
I submitted a proposal for their event in April, and they have now asked me to draft the document which will go to TED in New York for approval! My topic is going to be "Finding Business Lessons in the most unlikely places!" Very excited!
A year ago, I got a straight No, my topic wasn't what they were looking for. Doing the change work with Rashida has given me a new confidence to pursue what's important to me, and I firmly believe that by changing my beliefs, this opportunity is now available to me.
The Universe has my back! Working with Rashida is the proof of this. I am an avid follower of MindShift Life, as the regular messages give me the nudges I need to be the best version of myself.
About a month ago, I bought the Business Growth Hypnosis Session, and at the same time decided that I would write my book "Banishing Burnout, How an orphan taught me how to live". Since I started to listen to the hypnosis, I have been invited to speak, and launch my book at a huge event
As you can well imagine, entrepreneurship is not without its challenges. Job pressures, family obligations, and business rejections can all have you doubting your resolve. In those times, it helps to have someone in your corner to remind you of why you embarked on the entrepreneur journey in the first place. Rashida Gaye is that perfect combination of coach AND cheerleader! During a particularly difficult time, my self-confidence took a hit when it seemed that all my client leads had dried up. I reached out to Rashida who immediately helped to shift my mindset and reframe my focus.
The very next day I signed a brand-new $4,000. client – paid in FULL! Thank you Rashida! Since I started Rashida's "Build Your Digital Empire" Business Coaching Group Program, I have been able to raise the price of my programs with confidence and I have signed on several clients.
Sooooo, guess who booked their first client since working with Rashida in the Build Your Digital Empire Program??? This Woman!! I enrolled my new client in the Manuscript Makeover Program which is my mid-level at $4447!!!!!! This will be THE MOST MONEY I have received from a client EVER!!! You are my rock, girl! Thank you for helping me open the door I always knew was there. I've never felt so free.Love you chica!!!
Joining the Profit On Purpose mastermind was the best decision! I have closed over $3 MILLION DOLLARS in new business during the mastermind. Also, My husband is also manifesting new construction jobs. He is hitting it big too. He should be finished this one house renovation for $80K.
So I finally decided to start working with Rashida Gaye with the Reclaim Your Conficence program. I'm in week 3 and working with Rashida has changed my life forever. You guys I sleep better, think better, feel better, live better, and best of all - LOVE Better. Before starting this program I already had achieved some success in my life - I had a growing business, a beautiful home, a loving husband and two kids and I was creating the life of my dreams - but I FELT MISERABLE. And guess what? I NEVER felt good about myself or my life. Not before achieving success and Not after. I just kept hunting success after success thinking the next thing would make me feel better and it never did. What good is success if you can't feel it? If you can't feel the good of your life today - how will you be able to feel the good in your life tomorrow? I couldn't feel anything. And I was soooo tired of working so hard for the success I could never truely feel. I didn't know what this program was all about - but I've completed 2 weeks and I feel I already got my money's worth. Guys I can FEEL again. Do you know how many people are feeling dead & lost inside, like how I was? And maybe even you too? You can't put a price on that. I felt this way for YEARSssss - and in 1 1/2 hours all that changed. One session. And it all came back. Don't get me wrong I still have work to do. But it's like when you have been living in Black and White and then your life finally turned to COLOR. That's me right now. And it can be you.
You better be ready for fruitful life changes after working with Rashida Gaye. Her Reclaim Your Confidence program is the #Truth. I work a full-time job but after following her techniques started to see results immediately in the form of personal client contracts within a matter of days.
Everyone needs this woman and what she offers in their lives! I was looking to hire a business coach for about four months and had two that I was contemplating. Both had the same fee structure as Rashida. Can’t put my finger on it but I kept putting off signing with one of them. I met Rashida at a woman’s health network event and knew I would hire her immediately. My gut told me so! No reservations and haven’t regretted my decision once. She is a teacher and a healer!I still can't believe it. Working with Rashida helped me to create $25,000 in only two weeks in my residential cleaning business. Everything I asked for during our work together is manifesting right before my eyes. I am still amazed at the power of my mind!
Everyone needs this woman and what she offers in their lives!
I was looking to hire a business coach for about four months and had two that I was contemplating. Both had the same fee structure as Rashida. Can’t put my finger on it but I kept putting off signing with one of them.
I met Rashida at a woman’s health network event and knew immediately that I would hire her.
My gut told me so! No reservations and haven’t regretted my decision once.
She is a teacher and a healer!I still can't believe it.
Working with Rashida helped me to create $25,000 in only 2 weeks in my residential cleaning business.
Everything that I asked for during our work together is manifesting right before my eyes. I am still amazed at the power of my mind!
I have been working with Rashida for a little over 2 months one on one. We started with the Reclaim Your Power program and moved to the "Build Your Digital Empire" business coaching program. I struggle to put into words what it has done for me and my business.
It has changed my life. I had blocks that I wasn't even aware of and have been able to free those.
In the business side, I have been able to gain clarity and attract my ideal clients. I picked up 3 new clients in the last week, all people who I can't wait to work with!
I have also begun having consistent 5 figure income months. It is unreal what she has been able to do for my business and in turn what it will do for my family and our financial freedom.
Y'all! I'm telling you, you will not regret any dollar you spend with this woman. It will change your life!
Note: Courtney emailed me to tell me that she created a $13,000 day in June after our work together!!!! This was triple her previous corporate salary.